Galal Zaki Resume

More about Galal Zaki

Academic Assistance

By admin | October 29, 2017 | 0 Comment

  • Since 2012 to date, Mr Zaki has assited several students with their Masters in advertising  and public relations from universities abroad and in Egypt.
  • Following the tragedy of 9/11 Mr. Zaki wrote and produced the song “Love the World, We are One” as a message of love and peace from Egypt to the United States and the rest of the world.
  • During his 35 years in the field of communication, Mr. Zaki has served as senior counsel with government clients at the highest level, including the Ministries of Education, Health, Environment, Tourism, Interior and Foreign Affairs. Mr. Zaki headed a Crisis Management Secretariat during the 1992 terrorist activities. The objective was to generate balanced media coverage in Western Europe and the US. Mr. Zaki was also responsible for developing a comprehensive privatization communication program for the Egyptian government.
  • Mr. Zaki has also worked on several USAID and EU-funded public service projects on Family Planning, Reproductive Health and Environment.
  • During the past 15 years Mr. Zaki received 12 advertising awards of which 6 awards were in the field of FP, RH and nutrition. In 2007 Mr Zaki received the International Advertising Association Egypt Chapter “Lifetime Achievement Award”.